The term "Egyptian cotton" on a sheet set package conjures up the image of the very finest and most luxurious cotton sheets in the mind of many consumers. However, it is not the whole truth. As the term implies, "Egyptian cotton" is used to describe all varieties of cotton grown in the fertile Nile River valley of Egypt. Technically speaking, there are three main varieties of Egyptian cotton, which are categorized by the length of the cotton fibre (known as “staple”): (1) Extra-Long Staple (ELS, with a staple of at least 1 3/8 inches (= 3.49cm) or longer), (2) Long-Staple (LS), and (3) regular cotton.

Since the staple length, which is the length of the cotton fibre, determines the ultimate feel and quality of the final product, therefore it is important to recognize that not all Egyptian cotton sheets are created equal, and only sheets made of Extra-Long Staple cotton are universally considered to be the best.

Also, it is worth noting that varieties of Extra-Long Staple (ELS) cotton include American Pima, Egyptian Giza, Indian Suvin, Chinese Xinjiang, Sudanese Barakat, and Russian Tonkovoloknistyi.

What makes Extra-Long Staple (ELS) Egyptian cotton sheets so high-quality?

In terms of the strength, fineness and uniformity of the cotton fibre, the Extra-Long Staple cotton is undoubtedly superior to other varieties of cotton that have much shorter fibres. The ELS fibres allow the cotton to be spun into much finer, softer, and stronger yarns. And fabric woven with ELS cotton is more breathable, more luxurious and becomes softer over time with use, thus providing greater comfort. It also produces less lint and will not pill. This high-quality ELS fibre is long and narrower than other cotton fibres, allowing thread counts of up to 1,000 per square inch. This provides a lighter weight and extremely strong, long-lasting durability. Owing to all these reasons, ELS Egyptian cotton is used by luxury and upmarket brands worldwide.

How do we choose real Egyptian cotton sheets made of Extra-Long Staple Cotton?

Choosing genuine ELS Egyptian cotton sheets is no easy task at all in any sense. This is because textile manufacturers do not usually itemise cotton source content or specify the types of cotton staple used. More often than not, many bed linen products labelled "Egyptian cotton" are not made with 100% ELS cotton yarns, but they may contain a mix of some regular Egyptian cotton and a small percentage of ELS. Therefore, it is important to be somewhat wary when “Egyptian cotton” is listed as the fibre content.

When choosing a set of quality Egyptian cotton sheets, it is best to ask an honest retailer to recommend some reputable premier brands that have been around in the market for many years as they have a proven track record of integrity and quality consistency. As a reminder, you may want to have second thoughts about buying a set of high tread count cotton sheets if the price is too good to be true. Remember, you get what you pay for